All about Grade 6 

Ayleen, Grade 6

So much happens in Grade 6, let me tell you all about it. We just finished doing our amazing science presentations. They were all beautifully created and written. Each one had such a sense of humour, detail, and joy all wrapped in one presentation. We learned so much from each presentation to the Mars Space Rover, or The Hubble Telescope, famous people in space exploration, and even The Canadarm were all so cool to learn about. 

Then the Grade 6s also made a big contribution to dress up day. We had a lot  of elves, a cool Santa with sunglasses and a soccer jersey, and a whole bunch of other creative costumes. The Grade 6s had a lot of fun. They especially had fun because they could use their imaginations to come up with creative costumes and designs and that is all because of Student Council. We give a big thank you to the Student Council for putting in the hard work to organize and plan these events and others like it.

Since so much happens in Grade 6 we need some time to cool off. In our class, silent time is an amazing time to relax our very busy brains. It happens right after lunch recess. You have many different options on what to do during these 10-15 minutes. Some decide to read, draw, or complete homework (quietly) during this time. Our teacher (Mrs.Clarke) always plays beautiful and relaxing acoustic music for us from her playlists. These playlists either consist of acoustic Christian worship music or acoustic Christmas music (if it is around late November early December). 

You probably already know that when Christmas comes around G.C.C.S. always has a Christmas Concert. The Christmas Concert is an amazing event that every student from every class is involved in. The Christmas Concert is being held in the gym and this year the date is placed on Wednesday, December 20th, 2023. So now you already are caught up about the Christmas Concert, but did you know that there is an art gallery as well? Well there is and the Grade 6s are making some really nice drawings, paintings, sketches, and more! I can’t tell you exactly what they are drawing because you will find out there, but I can say that they are either going to be Christmas themed or  illustrate that God is the creator of everything. The Grade 6s are also using Pinterest (in case you don’t know what that is) it is a helpful art site that is often used for inspiration or to get the creative juices flowing. 

The Grade 6s have a BIG “thank you” to give to Mrs. Bronsveld (our French and visual arts teacher) because she is the one making this happen! We appreciate what you do for us and we appreciate YOU! We also have to say “thank you” to our amazing volunteers who really help put events like the Christmas Concert together! And last but not least we thank Mrs. Wood, our amazing, gentle, kind and empathetic music teacher. We can’t emphasize enough how much we appreciate how you help us to put together such heartwarming concerts like these! We thank you for everything you do for us and the other classes you teach at G.C.C.S.

Now I am going to tell you about the Grade 6s brand new homeroom teacher. Her name is Mrs. Clarke. She is AMAZING! Let’s learn a bit more about her…. She loves to teach Math because she really enjoys it and loves the patterns and helping people understand it. Also I have a couple of random facts that you probably didn’t know about her – she loves horseback riding- playing the piano-and loves to bake! I asked her  “how does it feel to be a new teacher?” She said “sometimes it feels uncomfortable not knowing what is going on when others do.”, but she is really excited to be a part of G.C.C.S. again. She actually used to send her three boys to G.C.C.S. when we used to be on Water Street. I also asked her “what is your favourite thing about G.C.C.S. So far?” she said -she loves the students and the teachers because they are so welcoming and amazing! Last but not least when I asked her what upcoming events are coming up for the Grade 6s. She replied “the Grade 6s still have not received their final reward from the Walkathon (which was decided by the Grade 6s to be some kind of sugary treat). The reward will be given to them before Christmas break. Thank you so much to Mrs. Clarke for putting so much dedication and love into her students as well as all the other teachers and educators  in the school. We love you and appreciate all that you guys do for us everyday. You do not go unnoticed! 


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