Theatre Arts

At the core of our teaching: to nurture, educate and inspire 


Our performances are an act of worship,
a chance to raise one voice.

We use drama all the time whether we are aware of it or not. Drama is part of our self-expression. Teachers and students interact dramatically, right across the curriculum, and within the total school environment. Students at GCCS participate in a variety of dramatic experiences: re-enacting stories or novels read in class, performing during a chapel presentation, or participating in the school’s spring drama showcase. For this reason, we should teach students to develop their dramatic abilities and potential through the introduction of drama at each grade level.

Our school’s performances are an act of worship, a chance to raise one voice. Whether we are sharing a story, or a song, a dance or a monologue, our message deserves to be heard and seen.

GCCS has, over the years, grown its technical capacity with professional microphones and lighting equipment to enhance the acoustic control and electrical infrastructure that was installed with our major renovation in 2012. Not only do we value the dramatic arts, but we also value how you see and hear our message. As part of our students’ theatre learning, we teach students that sound and light can add meaning to our message.

Every two years, our spring drama showcase is a highlight for our school community and the greater Guelph community. Over 1500 people, including students from surrounding schools, attend the evening performances. In fact, our most recent production, The BFG, even landed us on the front page of our local Guelph newspaper. Our drama production team constantly challenge themselves to use their God-given creative strengths to present a drama that leaves a strong impression on every audience member.

Pledging to GCCS

Donation pledges represent the generous commitment of donors to contribute a specified amount of money to an organization over a predetermined period. These pledges can take the form of conditional donations, where payment is contingent upon the fulfillment of certain conditions, or unconditional donations, which are given without any specific requirements or stipulations.