Message from our Principal
Justin DeMoor
For over 60 years, the staff, board, committees, and supporters of GCCS have worked to fulfill our mission to “nurture, educate, and inspire in Christ-centred learning and serving.”
As you navigate through the pages of this website you will learn about that mission, our history and our curriculum, as well as our affiliations with other important organizations. You will also meet the members of our faculty and staff who all have the character, competency, and commitment needed to help others flourish!
Our athletics and co-curricular programs and clubs give significant opportunities for students to use and further develop their God-given talents and our Student Support Services and English Language Learning programs provide the additional support some of our students require.
Our Parent Handbook provides an overview of our school policies and procedures and the school calendar outlines all the important dates and upcoming events.
Throughout this site you’ll find information about GCCS which will answer many of your questions, however, we are also available in person, by phone, and by e-mail to answer any further questions you may have.
If you are interested in learning more, please don’t hesitate to book a tour to come in to see us in action and explore registration so that your family can join our growing school community!