Auction Week 2025

GCCS Online Auction – Coming Soon!

Get ready to bid, support, and win in our upcoming GCCS Online Auction!

In the lead-up to our Gala Night on March 1st, we are excited to host an online auction featuring a fantastic selection of unique items, experiences, and special packages—all in support of our school community.

Auction Items are divided into 2 blocks.
Block 1 – bidding open February 22 – 25 (bidding closes at 11pm)
Block 2 – bidding open February 26 – March 1 (bidding closes at 11pm)

Whether you’re looking for exciting getaways, local experiences, gift baskets, or exclusive items, there’s something for everyone! Every bid helps GCCS continue to grow and provide Christ-centred education for our students.

Register to bid! Click here.

In the lead up to the auction more items are added daily so keep checking in!

For more information about the online auction or Gala night, click here.
Your participation makes a difference! Thank you!

Pledging to GCCS

Donation pledges represent the generous commitment of donors to contribute a specified amount of money to an organization over a predetermined period. These pledges can take the form of conditional donations, where payment is contingent upon the fulfillment of certain conditions, or unconditional donations, which are given without any specific requirements or stipulations.