Academics at GCCS

At the core of our teaching: to nurture, educate and inspire 

JK to Grade 8


GCCS offers a program beginning with Junior Kindergarten and ending with Grade 8 graduation. Conversations with local secondary schools indicate that our students are well prepared to continue at the secondary level with the same degree of success they enjoyed at the elementary level.

The school is committed to providing educational quality at least equivalent to, or better than, public school standards. We support the technical academic standards of the province, but our value system is through the lens of Christian living and the Bible. This difference is most noticeable in the presence of a Bible program at each grade level. The Bible is a guide for all of our programs as we seek to understand how all areas of human endeavour have been marked by the Fall, and will be restored by our Lord, and how we can serve Him by practicing restoration today.


For children who are
2.5 - 3.5 years of age


Our age-integrated
3 and 5-day program

Grade 1-8

Our goal is to educate knowledgeable
and competent disciples

Contact us to arrange your school tour

Reach out to us via the button on the right and book a tour of our school today! We look forward to meeting you!

Pledging to GCCS

Donation pledges represent the generous commitment of donors to contribute a specified amount of money to an organization over a predetermined period. These pledges can take the form of conditional donations, where payment is contingent upon the fulfillment of certain conditions, or unconditional donations, which are given without any specific requirements or stipulations.