
“Serve one another humbly in love”

GCCS Volunteer Program

(G.I.F.T.S.* – Getting Involved for the Students)

Guelph Community Christian School is a parent-run school and as such, relies greatly on parent volunteers. From the board, through committees to fundraising and classroom help, volunteers are integral to achieving the objectives of the school.

The G.I.F.T.S.* Program is a means to formalize these values and provide structure to volunteering at GCCS. As an update to the program formally known as FPI (Fundraising Participation Incentives), the G.I.F.T.S. Program now includes all volunteer activities within the school community in an effort to recognize all contributions to the school. Many activities, as opposed to just fundraising ones, contribute value to the school and have a significant impact on the budget and tuition rates.

As you are planning on volunteering in the school, please complete the GIFTS Survey to let us know how you would like to contribute your time to our school community this year. There are a wide variety of ways that you can be involved in our school community and this survey highlights some of the most common ones. More opportunities will arise as the school year progresses, but the results of this brief survey will give our volunteer organizers a head start on who they can ask for help so that they can help you achieve your volunteering goal.

Volunteering brings value to the school as a community in many ways:

Find Out More

Types of Volunteering to Get Involved In

Next Steps

For more information or to volunteer for a specific category please fill in the form here.

Recording Volunteer Hours

Families log their hours in Sycamore:

Pledging to GCCS

Donation pledges represent the generous commitment of donors to contribute a specified amount of money to an organization over a predetermined period. These pledges can take the form of conditional donations, where payment is contingent upon the fulfillment of certain conditions, or unconditional donations, which are given without any specific requirements or stipulations.